The Bridge Home (!The Finals!)


(5-5, 5 out of 5)


I gave The Bridge Home 5 stars because…….

Emotions are clearly stated to happen. I love how this book touches whomever reads it. The start feels nice and beautiful, it’s the kind of book you enjoy, but other people are obsessed with, even though you think it’s just “alright”. Yet, you can tell that when you read on, you will love it. When you get to the middle, you’re very excited, and have a deep connection with the characters (Which, the characters are based on real kids, go to “All about the Authors Note” to learn more). When you get to the very last page (or close to it), you are stripped from the happiness you felt. A character that might of once been your favorite, is taken away from you. You are torn apart, with the excitedness that you once had when starting it. But a twist, confuses you. You find out that the confusing point of views are on purpose. Something you questioned, that could of determined something different you see about the book, is explained. Viji is writing, writing to Rukku, the one sad, and lonely child that died. You are sad, but you also love the book as much as you could love other books. How many stars do you give it? 5.

Favorite Character

My favorite character is………..

Viji! I love Viji’s personality. And how she is so responsible. For example, she stored the money she might of needed. She’s very sweet and kind, and I even think she can be “Safe”, “Respectful”, and “Responsible” sometimes. I just think overall she’s a good choice.

Favorite Moment

My favorite moment is when……….

Now, this is something you didn’t expect. It’s not something in the book. It’s something that you experience during it. Realizing that Viji is writing to Rukku. It’s just so shocking, it’s so heart breaking, and heart warming at the same time. I love to look back, realizing that everything is different then what I thought it was. The story it’s self could be a lot different then it really was. You may ask why, well if you really think about it, if I told you what happened on our trip to the capital (Lincoln), it would be different from if you told me what happened, it’s just different point of views, so what actually happened, could be different from Viji’s point of view.

All about the Author’s Note

Padma (Author) talks about how she based all of the kids on real people. I’m glad that she went into so much research about their culture, and problems. This makes it more authentic. You should read the Author’s Note of you haven’t, it has some good information in it.

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